Musicianship Goal Action Plan: End of Semester Video Submission

Musicianship Goal Action Plan: End of Semester Video Submission


According to my musicianship goal action plan, I will begin my video submission of my personalized learning project by stating what I have achieved throughout my musicianship journey since Midterm. I was able to find and re-create my own sheet music based on complicated and older sheet music for the song “Yellow Bird”, I also practiced the chords E, A and D. I made two adaptations to the sheet music one of which was that I remained playing the D chord with fingers one and two, excluding finger three (using only fingers 1 and 2 on strings 3 and 1). The other adaptation I made was instead of stating the song with a difficult strumming pattern, I would begin by playing the chorus of the song with only the down strum twice for each chord, except A, where I play it four times, along with the chords. After playing the chorus, I would begin the song again and adjust the strumming pattern back to down, down, up, drop hand, up, down. This some adaptation helped me stay on beat and rhythm with the song and ensured my chord transitions and strumming patterns were on cue. Although, this second piece was more challenging than the first song, I believe that I have made tremendous growth and progress since midterm on the acoustic guitar. I can now recognize that the amount of time and effort, I had put into practicing the guitar has lead me to achieve my overarching goal of performing my chosen song consecutively without any pauses, and without referring to my notes. Not only was I able to demonstrate the correct fingering, smooth chord transitions and two very different strumming patterns, I was also able to have the rare opportunity to perform in an instrument recital at my co-worker’s studio. Ultimately, this experience has taught me a lot about the process of self-teaching and reflection, but has also shown me that nothing is impossible. As before this journey began, I had no prior knowledge to playing the guitar and now I can play two songs on the guitar, just goes to show that hard work and dedication does pay off in the end. Below are two videos, one of which I am stating what I have achieved and the other video I am playing the song Yellow Bird.

Video #1:IMG_0529

Video #2: IMG_0741

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