Health and Fitness Update #6


I would like to begin this week’s blog post by talking about one of my biggest health and fitness inspirations: Ashleigh Jordan. Ashleigh’s social media Instagram page is filled with several different workout programs, which are very specific to different parts of the body. Something I found very unique about her that most fitness pages or people do not include in their workout programs are partner workouts. Therefore, if you are working out with a friend, there are several different things you can do, which are benefiting yourself and is considered a fun workout. Since recently discovering Ashleigh Jordan’s fitness page, I have been closely following her workouts and adapting my workouts with hers as we have similar goals.

This week, I kept a similar diet having protein bars, protein smoothies and salads with chicken breasts. To meal prep, I bought a big Caesar salad from save on foods, which lasted me seven whole days. I also marinated 5 chicken breasts in BBQ sauce and cooked them and chopped them up for my salads. I tried very hard to cut pasta out of my diet this week as well as rice as I found that it was too many carbohydrates for myself. Additionally, something new I incorporated into my diet was

This week, for my fitness journey I continued to work out Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays after work. Like I already mentioned I changed my routine and decided after much thought and consideration that I would break up my workouts into focusing on different parts of the body each day, for example: upper body, lower body and then mix cardio into their as well. As my beliefs are still the same, I always separate legs into its own day, because of the amount of exercises I have for legs. Some of Ashleigh Jordan’s work outs include; leg burner, partner workouts, under and upper booty, side booty, killer abs, home abs, delts, total thighs, abs, legs, oblique’s, full booty, upper blast, warm ups, shoulders, etc.

Instead of focusing on images from my own personal inquiry journey this week, I would like to show you all some images and videos of Ashleigh Jordan’s fitness journey as I believe she can and will inspire several others.

Video Link:

 My Inspiration 







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