Personalized Learning Project: Acoustic Guitar Update #3

As this is my last blog post before my video submission of the “Lion Song”, I would like to discuss what I have achieved throughout my journey and also relate back to my personal growth action plan. Thus far, I have followed my action plan in regard to step number one, and two. This past week, I focused on memorizing the song and practice in front of the mirror and audience. My audience was conducted of my nephews, nieces, grandma, uncle, aunt, cousins and some friends. Some challenges I faced this week was making sure I was on beat with the song, and leading with the strum to ensure I was switching chords on time. Something I discovered is that the reason some of the chords did not sound like they were supposed to was because I was playing too far away from the fret. After practicing the chords: D, G & A7, I am now able to confidently play the chords to my song on beat. Some adaptations I made to my sheet music was instead of playing the proper D chord, I adjusted it by taking out the third finger, although the sound was a tad different, this adaptation was made therefore, I could continue on with the song. This week, I really focused on the chorus and the strumming pattern of the chorus, to ensure I had enough time to change chords, I changed the pattern from up, down, up, down, up down, up down, to up, down, up, down, up, down, up. Below are my notes, along with my sheet music for the Lion Song:

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