Posts in Category: Free Inquiry

Inquiry Project Idea & Reasoning

After much thought and consideration about what to do for my free Inquiry, I have finally settled on an idea. I have been wanting to improve my health and most importantly fitness for a few years now and I finally have a reason and motivation to do so. In high school, I was very active and involved in multiple sports such as: soccer, softball, basketball, tennis, golf and volleyball. However, three years ago when I moved from North Delta BC to Victoria BC, I joined a women’s softball team. However, because of starting my first year at university and the stress of looking for a job I wasn’t able to find time to work out and felt rushed when I was at home which led to me eating very unhealthy and not finding the time to work out. In early January, when I found out about this inquiry I knew what I wanted to do. Therefore, for my inquiry project I would like to improve my health and fitness. For starters to improve my fitness, I will make sure I work out three times a week at Henderson Recreation Centre ( an hour to an hour and a half each time. This lifestyle change is possible as I work at Henderson, and I can workout after work. I will be focusing on all parts of the body as I try to strengthen my muscles and loose body fat. However, to improve my health I will need to change my diet and focus on eating healthy. To adjust to my diet changes I will begin by having a smoothie with a protein bar every morning. This is to ease into it, after the first week of making this small change to my diet I will ease into changing my lunches, then dinners. In order, to succeed and to accomplish my goals, I will have to continue to be motivated.

Henderson Gym Video: