Personalized Learning Project: Acoustic Guitar Update #1

As promised to all my bloggers, here is an update on my musical journey of learning the acoustic guitar. I have been on track so far and continue to practice my instrument an hour a week. Some of the challenges I have come across thus far are finding the time to practice multiple times instead of practicing for an hour all at once, practicing when I was home alone and being motivated to practice.

By Wednesday, January 29th, 2020, I set a goal to be able to learn how to properly hold the guitar & learn how to tune the guitar. I began my journey by using the internet to access multiple videos and websites and research on how to hold the guitar properly. By making sure I was doing this correctly, On January 27th, in class I verified my technique with Anita Prest. During this same class, I was lucky enough to have a classmate Maddie Osgarby assist me in tuning my guitar. I started off by downloading the app Guitar Tuner, and what the app does is it demonstrates and shows that the chord you play makes the sound it is supposed to make. This app allowed me to tune my guitar, luckily my guitar only had one chord the G chord, which was out of tune. I also watched a YouTube video, which showed me what to do.

Here are a few videos and literature of how to hold the guitar properly for beginners, which I recommend watching:


Here are two images of two similar but a bit different way to hold the guitar properly:

Below is an image of myself holding the guitar correctly and properly:

Below is an image of the anatomy of a guitar, this diagram will be useful for the future, and when watching the videos attached this will clarify any confusion.

Here is the link, I recommend using if you are attempting to tune your guitar:

Next Week: Before February 15th, I would like to find and learn music sheets and notes for my selected song. (Practice the chords) and practice the song with musical sheets. However, next I will find the strumming pattern by doing more extensive research for the song Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison and begin working on my strumming pattern.

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